Hello there! I have been pondering what I should do for a post. I thought and thought and figured well why not show you my -somewhat- daily life and a few of my favourite (and not so favourite) things. I'll keep this short and sweet, so go enjoy and have a wonderful weekend! :)
Homework, one of my least favourite things. Although sometimes I like how it gets my mind off of things.
Pearls! Fake or real I find them quite classy and they also make nice room decor!
Vintage frames! This gorgeous piece hangs above my bed and I am in LOVE with it!
Guitars! Although I can't play, I love the music they can make. I always have since I was about eight! :)
Longboarding! Even though it's much too brisk to go longboarding now I still love the rush of fleeing down a hill on this baby.
Toms. That is all.
This camera is practically my first love, I saw it at a secondhand shop for only five dollars, and I was like, I need that!
This picture! I went for a photo sesh with my parents and I thought this would make a cute picture. :)
Flowers, in the fall.
And more flowers.
The evening sun! Although my face looks slightly silly in this I still love it!
The leaves colours are just gorgeous!
Oh, and more flowers.
Jewelry, I usually sport this gorgeous ring or a chunky bracelet.
Much love,
Madi :)